Mental Toughness Questionnaire

Mental Toughness Questionnaire


Goal: Assess how well you manage your emotions and sense of control over your environment.

How well do you manage stress and pressure during games?

    • Example: "I can stay calm and focused even when the game is intense."
    • Scale: 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)
How often do you let negative emotions affect your performance?
      • Example: "I rarely let frustration or anger disrupt my focus during games."
      • Scale: 1 (Always) to 5 (Never)
    How easily do you recover from setbacks during a game?
        • Example: "If I make a mistake, I can quickly regain my focus."
        • Scale: 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)


      Goal: Evaluate students' dedication and consistency in working towards their goals.

      How consistent are you in working toward your athletic goals?
        • Example: "I train regularly and stick to my goals, even when it's tough."
        • Scale: 1 (Rarely) to 5 (Always)
      How do you handle tasks or drills that are difficult or boring?
          • Example: "I push through difficult or repetitive drills because I know they will make me better."
          • Scale: 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)
        How committed are you to improving your weakest skills?
            • Example: "I actively work on improving the parts of my game where I struggle the most."
            • Scale: 1 (Not Committed) to 5 (Highly Committed)


          Goal: Measure how students perceive and approach challenges.

          How do you perceive challenging situations—do you see them as threats or opportunities?
            • Example: "I see tough games or opponents as opportunities to test and improve my skills."
            • Scale: 1 (Always a Threat) to 5 (Always an Opportunity)
          How often do you seek out challenges that push you outside your comfort zone?
              • Example: "I actively look for opportunities to challenge myself and grow as a player."
              • Scale: 1 (Never) to 5 (Always)
            How do you respond to unexpected challenges or setbacks?
                • Example: "When faced with unexpected challenges, I adapt and find ways to overcome them."
                • Scale: 1 (Struggle to Adapt) to 5 (Adapt Easily)


              Goal: Assess students' belief in their abilities and their interpersonal confidence.

              How confident are you in your abilities to perform well in games?
                • Example: "I believe in my skills and know I can perform well under pressure."
                • Scale: 1 (Not Confident) to 5 (Highly Confident)
              How comfortable are you in leading or speaking up during team situations?
                  • Example: "I am comfortable taking the lead or voicing my opinions during team discussions."
                  • Scale: 1 (Uncomfortable) to 5 (Very Comfortable)
                How often do you doubt your abilities during high-pressure moments?
                    • Example: "Even in high-pressure moments, I rarely doubt my ability to succeed."
                    • Scale: 1 (Always) to 5 (Never)

                  Step 2: Scoring the Questionnaire

                  • Scoring Method: Likert scale: 1 is the least favorable response and 5 is the most favorable.
                  • Interpreting Scores:
                    • High Scores (4-5): Indicates strength in that area of mental toughness.
                    • Medium Scores (3): Suggests an average level, with room for improvement.
                    • Low Scores (1-2): Highlights a potential area of weakness that should be addressed.

                  Step 3: Reflect and Improve

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