Build a Personal Stress Plan
Stress Plan Worksheet
Step 1: Identify Your Triggers
Reflect on past experiences and list situations that commonly cause stress for you during competition or practice.
Example Triggers: Tough matchups, critical game moments, intense training sessions, or external pressures (e.g., expectations from coaches, teammates, or family).
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
Step 2: Recognize Your Stress Symptoms
What are the physical or mental signs that you’re experiencing stress? List at least three.
Example Symptoms: Sweaty palms, racing thoughts, shallow breathing, increased heart rate.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
Step 3: Select Your Tools
Choose techniques you will use to manage stress in high-pressure moments.
Controlled Breathing: (e.g., Box Breathing, 4-7-8 Breathing)
- Technique: _______________________________________________________
Positive Self-Talk: (Write a mantra or affirmation you can repeat.)
- Example: “I am prepared and capable.”
- Your Mantra: _____________________________________________________
Visualization Sequence: (Describe a calming or confidence-building visualization.)
- Example: Visualize yourself taking a successful shot in a tense moment.
- Your Visualization: ________________________________________________
Grounding Technique: (Choose a strategy, such as the 5-4-3-2-1 technique.)
- Technique: _______________________________________________________
Step 4: Build Your Personal Stress Plan
Summarize your responses into a concise action plan:
1. When I feel stress from: _____________________________________________
2. I will recognize it by: _______________________________________________
3. I will manage it by: ________________________________________________
Step 5: Reflect and Refine
After using your plan, reflect on its effectiveness and make adjustments if necessary.
1. How did my plan help during my last high-stress moment? ________________
2. What can I improve or add to make it more effective? _____________________
Stress is inevitable, but with preparation and practice, you can stay composed and focused when it matters most. Regularly revisit and update your plan as needed!