Key Terms Handout: Understanding Criticism and Appreciation

Key Terms Handout: Understanding Criticism and Appreciation


1. Criticism

Definition: Feedback that highlights areas for improvement, often focusing on behaviors or actions that need change or adjustment.

Example: "Your presentation lacked clarity in the main points."

2. Appreciation

Definition: Recognition and expression of gratitude for someone’s efforts, achievements, or positive attributes.

Example: "I really appreciate how you stayed late to finish the project on time.”


3. Mental Toughness

Definition: The ability to maintain focus, resilience, and composure under pressure, often in response to challenges or criticism.

Example: Athletes demonstrating mental toughness by staying calm and focused during a high-stakes game.


4. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Definition: The ability to recognize, understand, manage, and influence your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Example: A leader using emotional intelligence to navigate difficult conversations with their team.


5. The SEE Method

Separate: Recognizing that strong emotions are automatic responses and not the reality of the situation.

Embrace: Fully experiencing the emotion without judgment or immediate reaction.

Evaluate: Reflecting on the emotion and situation after it subsides to determine what you can learn and how to proceed.

Example: Applying the SEE method after receiving negative feedback from a coach to process the criticism constructively.


6. Constructive Criticism

Definition: Feedback aimed at improving a specific behavior or performance, given in a way that is helpful and focused on solutions.

Example: "Your report was thorough, but adding a summary at the end could make it clearer for readers.”


7. Behavior vs. Person Criticism

Behavior-Focused: Feedback that targets specific actions or behaviors.

Example: "You were late to the meeting, which delayed our discussion."

Person-Focused: Feedback that targets the individual’s character or personality.

Example: "You're always so disorganized.”


8. Resilience

Definition: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.

Example: An employee bouncing back after receiving tough criticism and improving their work performance.


9. Reflection

Definition: The process of introspectively examining and thinking about one’s experiences, actions, and emotions to gain insights and improve.

Example: Taking time after a meeting to reflect on what went well and what could be improved for next time.


10. Expect the Expected

Definition: The practice of mentally preparing for inevitable feedback, distractions, or challenges so that they don’t catch you off guard.

Example: A basketball player expecting criticism from the coach after a tough game and mentally preparing to handle it constructively.


11. Control the Controllable

Definition: Focusing on aspects of a situation that you can influence, such as your own actions and responses, rather than external factors beyond your control.

Example: A professional concentrating on their own preparation and effort instead of worrying about a competitor’s performance.