Mindful Performance Reset Worksheet

Mindful Performance Reset Worksheet

Objective: Use mindfulness to reset your focus, build confidence, and center yourself before or after a high-stakes event.


Step 1: Find Your Reset Space

Take a moment to set up your environment. Where are you completing this exercise?

  • Describe your surroundings in a few words (e.g., quiet room, park bench):


Step 2: Progressive Focus Narrowing

Start by grounding yourself in the present moment.

  • Look around and identify three objects in your surroundings:
  • Shift your focus inward. Take 5 slow breaths and pay attention to your body and sensations.
    1. Write one word to describe how you feel after focusing on your breath:
  • Bring your attention to the task or event ahead.
    1. What is the most important thing you need to focus on right now?


Step 3: Performance Visualization

Close your eyes and imagine yourself succeeding in your task or event.

  • Answer these prompts as vividly as possible:
    • What do you see? __________________________
    • What do you feel? __________________________
    • What do you hear? __________________________
  • Picture the positive outcome:
    • Describe the result you visualized (e.g., hitting the winning shot, finishing the exam confidently):


Step 4: Positive Self-Talk

Shift your mindset with empowering affirmations.

  • Write three positive affirmations that you can say to yourself:
    1. I am... _________________________
    2. I can... _________________________
    3. I will... _________________________
  • Repeat these affirmations to yourself quietly or out loud.


Step 5: Anchor the Moment

Take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, and exhale slowly.

  • Complete this sentence:
    “I am ready to...” _____________________________________________________


Reflection (Optional)

Reflect on your experience with the exercise:

  1. How did this exercise affect your focus or mood?
  2. Which part of the exercise felt most helpful? Why?
  3. What is one thing you’ll do differently or improve next time?


Tips for Success:

  • Use this worksheet whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or need a focus reset.
  • Save your reflections to track your growth and improve your mindfulness practice over time.