Scenario Challenge

Scenario Challenge: Module 6 Lesson 4



  1. Each participant receives one scenario. They must role-play how they would handle the situation, using assertiveness, emotional regulation, and communication clarity.
  2. After completing the scenario, participants reflect on what went well and what could be improved.
  3. Optional: You provide one-on-one feedback to help them refine their approach.



  1. Scenario 1:
    You’re a team captain and one of your teammates isn’t following the practice plan. You need to have a conversation with them about the importance of sticking to the plan without demotivating them.
  2. Scenario 2:
    During a high-pressure game, a teammate makes a mistake and starts getting frustrated with themselves. You need to communicate effectively to calm them down and refocus the team.
  3. Scenario 3:
    You’re in a meeting with your coach and teammates. Your coach suggests a strategy you disagree with, and you feel strongly that a different approach would be better. How do you express your point respectfully without undermining the coach’s authority?
  4. Scenario 4:
    A teammate makes an offhand negative comment about your recent performance, and it impacts your confidence. You need to address this situation in a way that builds your confidence back up while maintaining team cohesion.
  5. Scenario 5:
    You’re leading a team project for school or work, but one of the members isn’t contributing as much as the others. You need to communicate your concerns assertively while encouraging them to step up.
  6. Scenario 6:
    You’ve been invited to speak about your MAPP program in front of a group of parents and students, but you’re nervous about how they’ll perceive your message. You need to communicate your ideas clearly and confidently, despite the pressure.
  7. Scenario 7:
    You’ve received constructive criticism from a coach about your leadership skills. It wasn’t delivered in the best way and felt more like harsh criticism. How do you address this feedback with your coach to improve without becoming defensive?
  8. Scenario 8:
    You’re working with a younger athlete who is struggling with their confidence. They’re feeling discouraged after a series of poor performances, and you need to communicate in a way that motivates them to keep pushing forward.
  9. Scenario 9:
    In a meeting, someone interrupts you repeatedly, making it hard for you to get your point across. You need to address this behavior assertively without escalating the situation.
  10. Scenario 10:
    You’re participating in a workshop about emotional regulation and confidence. A fellow participant makes a comment that you feel misrepresents the importance of confidence in performance. You need to share your viewpoint clearly without dismissing theirs.


Reflection Questions:

  • How did you approach the situation?
  • What communication strategies did you use (assertiveness, “I” statements, emotional control)?
  • How could you improve your communication in similar situations moving forward?